Library/Resource Center
Come see what’s on our shelves
- Sunday: 8:00 am to noon
- Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Located in the Asbury Room on the third floor of the Church, the Library/Resource Center welcomes the St. Paul’s community to browse, check out materials, read, or study. We have fiction and nonfiction books, music CDs, videos, and DVDs for children, teenagers, and adults. We also have teaching materials, as well as reading materials for United Women in Faith and other small groups.
Check-out Procedure:
Remove the book card from the pocket in the back of the book or on the media. Clearly print your name, the date, and your telephone number on the card. Leave the card in the basket on the circulation desk by the door to Room 100.
Return Procedure:
Place materials in the return slot at the circulation desk any time the Library/Resource Center is open. Please return videos, DVDs, and music within one week after borrowing. Please return books within one month.